No Pain No Gain? 

Part 2

Poster A Process / Below are the four main stages that the poster underwent. The photo shoot and editing being stage one. Stage two consisted of experimenting with different duotone color directions. The last two stages where mainly just playing with different compositions. The pins and sand represent chronic pain that is felt when one is walking around. Sand is already difficult to walk on at times but with chronic pain, a simple walk on the beach can be the most painful experience ever. 

Poster B Process / The images below illustrate the experimentation and chaotic complexity of the chronic pain through the development of one poster. Starting in Cinema 4D, spherical forms which would normally be the object of least point/corners/edges, turns out to be able to have the most sharp points. The intention was to create a form that would look painful to come into contact with, a form that would make it's audience uncomfortable. The content of the poster supports the quote in the center of the poster 'The phrase "No pain, no gain" has been around forever, it seems. There is only one problem: it is bad advice.'. This is commentary on athletes with and without chronic pain pushing themselves to an extent that is dangerous and not productive.

Poster Final

Motion / This video is a reaction to the responses that people with chronic pain receive. Without understanding, able bodied people disregard and diminish the pain of chronic conditions that aren't visible. Thus, making the person with chronic pain feel even more alone. If chronic pain were visible would we value are good health more? What is good health if you're not doing anything with it.

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